
Showing posts from August, 2017

Racism Has Nothing on Me

I hate the skin I walk in. There are more to these words than race.  Let me introduce you to my world, our world. The world of imperfection. When I walk I feel the stares of disdain. The scars that mark my body are a curse which I will have to bare till the day I will die. Never sure if a man feels pity for my alienated skin. Children look at me like I’m a lab rat some are too scared to touch, much less look. Perhaps I am because God let my so precious skin be removed from me so painfully. Try imagining taking a bath and feel your skin wash away. I can’t wear anything that shows off my skin. I am as hairy as a monkey. It’s ok for a man but a lady no, my genetics betrayed me. I can’t help but wonder what a hairy woman was thinking marrying a hairy man. It is like knowing you are both of genotype SS and still going ahead to do it. Human blanket was the nickname I was forced to adopt. Try smiling when a man tells you he should be afraid of you because you have progressive male hor...


Like a spell cast upon her tongue she could never bring herself to say yes. So many suitors come and gone. She was afraid of what. Unsure of whom. Fairy tales  parading her head sometimes way too close to reality for her touch. Whispers of a broken heart bound to occur hunt her.  A penny for your thought they would ask. She would shake her head ever so violently; there is nothing on my mind. Lies upon lies, there was always something on her mind but her tongue could not comprehend her thoughts. Her heart saturated with the black from her mind it was no longer cherry red but ox-blood red soon to be dead blood. With the tips of her finger she would try to spell in the sand, to write out her heart, but before she could put in the final piece to the puzzle, before she could write the final word to her lover the ocean waves came and washed her story away. She was the turbulence that disrupted her thoughts. None other than her had cast this spell.    ...

Relative Strangers

Have you ever looked at someone you’ve known for so long and realize you don’t even know each other anymore? Relative strangers staring eyeball to eyeball, trying to reconnect the dots to a beautiful pattern that once existed, friendship. I can’t help but wonder can lost love ever be rekindled? Two estranged lovers trying not to find the joy of each other’s company. Allowing hurts dictate their steps, allowing it guide their emotions, trying to prove a point. We are actually the only ones standing between ourselves a d happiness. I prompt you, take a look at the mirror for ten minutes and watch you see yourself thrust into a history. Thrown into an oblivion in which you no longer exist. See your features transform into that of a stranger. You will realize, you don’t know yourself. In fact you never did. You were only a shadow figure pouncing about trying to be you. And those frown lines are the struggles of your inner beast trying to get out. As I look into the eyes of my many love...
Something to make you smile for today.

Respelling Father


You hold the Power



You go on and on about the sacrifices you have made for me but the last time i checked it was a sacrifice and I am not obligated to pay you back, I am to be grateful for it but that doesn't also mean you will dictate to me how I am to be grateful either. Dear Parent, the day you decided to have me you signed the deed to "Unlimited Sacrifices."Children were never begged to be conceived. When the time is right without doubt you will reap from your sacrificial seeds, but you can't tell the seed when to germinate or bring forth fruit. Be patient and give me room to breathe.

Colour the World

there is immense power in the little things we do. just putting a smile on someones face each day can change the world.



My Life.

All my life I've been with you, grew up with you but all of a sudden all the time we've spent together isnt enough. i feel the need for a glance or one too many to spot the difference. In shock I wonder about gazing longer than a stare.                                                                                                                               -Elle