I've fallen a thousand and one times And I promised not to fall again.. But you've swept me of my feet I'm throwing myself to u.. Hoping to drop in you warm waiting arms.. Because when I see you I feel like Aphrodite just touched me I get lost in your gaze You make my heart palpitate But I know loving you would be a mistake one that I'm willing to make. Hoping that you will fill me with your splendid kisses till I want no more. Even though that might seem impossible in this current state. Make me yours. Make me the centre of your universe. Let this ecstasy last forever Like the deep waters a reality of being with you takes my breath away. There are times I wish I could be the air you breath so I could be there for you every second- if there is a word greater than love that is what I have for you.. Like dope I would forever willingly get high in you A burning passion a desire to always be there for you. There's a flame in my heart that kee...